
Aligning Your Spine for Wellness

Achieve spinal harmony and balance through expert bone spine alignment techniques.Benefit from traditional Vasti-Kizhi therapies for targeted healing and rejuvenation.

Vasthi therapy offers relief for various back issues, including chronic pain, sciatica, spondylosis, osteoporosis, and disc prolapse. It activates nerves to alleviate pain and numbness, making it especially effective for conditions like sciatica and disc prolapse, offering relief and comfort for those experiencing these discomforts.

Kizhi therapy uses heat to calm agitated vata, reducing associated pain. The increased blood flow from heat fermentation aids muscle recovery and discomfort relief. There are various types of Kizhi therapy, including herbal leaves, powders, rice, heated sand, and even egg application, each offering unique healing benefits.

  • Elai Kizhi – Patra Pinda Sweda –using herbal leaves.
  • Podi Kizhi – Churna Sweda – using herbal powders.
  • Navara Kizhi – Shashtika Shali Pinda Sweda – using herbal rice called ‘Navara’
  • Manal Kizhi – Valuka Sweda – using heated sand.
  • Mutta Kizhi – using egg.
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